HC Deb 23 October 1918 vol 110 c784
90. Mr. TURTON

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that in Poor Law institutions steam-heating is being severely curtailed, thereby increasing the sufferings of the aged and infirm; will he direct that the coal now stored by Baron Schroeder be commandeered by the Coal Controller and distributed by him amongst those institutions; and will he state the date when the Coal Controller first became aware that Baron Schroeder was receiving and storing these consignments of coal?


So far no representations have been made to the Controller of Coal Mines that any reduction in the steam-heating in Poor Law institutions has increased the sufferings of the aged and infirm. Under the Coal Rationing Order the local fuel overseer has power to deal with any case of hardship, and this would apply to any such institution. Baron Schroeder's excess stock of anthracite coal is being held at the disposal of the Controller, and arrangements are being made to remove it to points where this class of coal can be used.


Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the latter part of the question?


It would be very difficult for me to give any exact date when this was first known. This coal was stored before any rationing Order existed covering the area in question.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in the "Morning Post" it was stated by a representative of the Coal Controller that they were not aware of this until May, whereas in truth and in fact representations were made in January, and we had three letters from the Coal Controller's Department asking for information on the subject?


I cannot explain that, I did not see the item referred to in the "Morning Post."