HC Deb 22 October 1918 vol 110 cc583-5
19. Mr. PETO

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War what is the amount already expended on the works at Cippenham, and the total amount of the prospective expenditure intended; whether the recommendations of the House of Commons Committee on Public Expenditure are being carried out; whether the works are being designed with a view only to the repair of motor transport vehicles during the war; and whether, with regard to the work involved on demobilisation, the utilisation of other munition factories and sites has been considered with a view to providing room for such repair and reconstruction of motor vehicles as it is necessary for the Government to undertake direct without, the assistance of the motor manufacturing trade?


The payments to date for labour and material for the works at Cippenham amount to £343,717, and the total estimated expenditure is £1,750,000. The recommendations of the Select Committee are being attended to. With regard to the third and fourth parts of the question, it is intended to use the works during the War, during demobilisation, and after the War. The possibility of utilising munitions works as suggested by my hon. Friend has been fully considered.


Am I to understand, when he says that the utilisation of this munition works has been fully considered, that it has been decided that there are no munition works that could possibly be rendered available for doing these repairs to transport vehicles after the War when they are no longer required for the manufacture of munitions?


Yes, I intended to say that. The particular question has been most carefully considered. What we really want is a large central depot, which has been recommended, as a matter of Fact, by the National Expenditure Committee.


Does the right hon. Gentleman tell us it is inevitable that we should spend 1¾ millions of money on this depot mainly for work that will be required after the War?


Not at all. It will be required during the War, during demobilisation, and after the War.

20. Mr. PETO

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether the construction of the Slough mechanical transport depôt is being kept within the limits recommended by the Sub-committee of the Select Committee of the House on Financial Expenditure, having regard to the Sub-committee's expressed opinion that the scheme was not justified on grounds of post-war conditions only, and also having regard to the fact that the position in France earlier in the year, which endangered repair depots there, has now materially altered; whether an offer has been received from motor manufacturers to repair large numbers of vehicles at a cost involving a capital expenditure of one-quarter of the sum of £1,000,000 proposed to be spent at Slough, and that the interests of the motor manufacturing industry, as a large employer of labour, are likely to be seriously jeopardised if the scheme is proceeded with on the lines originally projected; and whether in view of the fact that the expenditure cannot become effective for twelve months, he will consider the advisability of referring the whole project for a fresh review to an independent and expert body?


The caution recommended by the Select Committee is being observed. As regards the remainder of my hon. Friend's question, an offer has been received by the Ministry of Reconstruction from motor firms to undertake repairs, provided the firms are indemnified for new buildings and plant. This scheme was carefully considered but was rejected by the War Office as not being satisfactory. It is not considered that the interests of the motor industry will be seriously jeopardised by the works at Cippenham. In reply to the last part of the question, I would point out that the whole matter has already received the fullest consideration by experts, and I do not think that any useful purpose would be served by resubmitting it to a fresh body.


Are the experts referred to War Office experts, or was it submitted to any civilian experts?


Yes, both civilian and War Office.