HC Deb 22 October 1918 vol 110 c572
35. Mr. KING

asked the Home Secretary whether Thomas Phillips, now in Northallerton Prison as a conscientious objector, has offered to do work of national importance; and whether, in view of his having nearly completed his second sentence, he will now be given work under the Home Office scheme?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which my right hon. Friend gave to the hon. Member for Blackburn on the 4th July.

40. Mr. KING

asked the Home Secretary whether he has any information about E. G. Maguire, a conscientious objector, now being forcibly fed in Hull Prison; whether food is being administered by the same persons and in the same way as in the case of E. W. Burns, who died from forcible feeding in Hull Prison; and whether the release on temporary discharge of E. G. Maguire is being considered?


This prisoner is now taking food again voluntarily, and his state of health is satisfactory. In view of the reference in this question to the death of Mr. W. E. Burns, I feel bound to remind the hon. Member that the jury who inquired into the circumstances attending his death came unanimously to the conclusion that no blame whatever attached to the medical officer or any other prison official, and a subsequent investigation made by medical men of high standing confirmed this conclusion.