HC Deb 22 October 1918 vol 110 c586
23. Mr. HARRIS

asked what is the bread ration now supplied to members of His Majesty's Forces in camp in the United Kingdom and Ireland; and whether it has recently been reduced?


The bread ration for the troops in the United Kingdom is 14 ozs. daily, and has not recently been reduced. At present an issue of 10½ ozs. of biscuits is substituted for the bread once a week.


Am I to understand the bread ration in England is different from that overseas? Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the intensive training of soldiers in camps in this country is as great as that overseas?


So far as I am aware, there have been no complaints with regard to the insufficiency of bread. The men were very carefully examined quite a long time ago, and, while I think it is true that the bread ration abroad is higher than the bread ration at home, there is nothing to show that the bread ration at home is insufficient.

24. Mr. HARRIS

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he will have inquiry made into the supply of bread at Hazeley Down Camp, Winchester; and whether complaints have been received as to the substitution of a biscuit ration for the bread ration on various occasions?


I have made inquiry, and am informed that the supply of bread at Hazeley Down Camp is good, and that no complaints have been received as to the substitution on occasions of a biscuit ration.