HC Deb 21 October 1918 vol 110 cc419-20
28. Colonel Sir FREDERICK HALL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is now in a position to state whether the Government have in hand any funds belonging to the Ottoman Government; if so, what do they amount to; and whether the Government will agree that such moneys shall be utilised for compensating British subjects who have suffered financial losses in consequence of confiscation of or damage to their property by the Turks?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to his question on this subject on 23rd July. The matter has been carefully reconsidered since then, but His Majesty's Government have felt themselves unable to alter the policy then stated.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in the reply which was given on 23rd November the Noble Lord the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs stated that he would look into the matter, and see whether anything could be done on the lines I suggested, and therefore, apparently, he was of opinion that the suggestion was one that might appeal to the Government?


The hon. and gallant Member's own statement was that he thought the question should be revised, and the subject has been revised, and no ground for alteration of the opinion of the Government has been arrived at.


Have any steps been taken to make any payments to any of these British subjects who have had their property confiscated and are in a very bad financial position before the expiration of hostilities?


If that question is not covered by the answer I have already given, I would beg the hon. and gallant. Member to put it down on the Paper.