HC Deb 17 October 1918 vol 110 c287
81. Colonel Sir H. GREENWOOD

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he is aware that several non-commissioned officers of the Royal Marines, having been placed in category C owing to their health breaking down on service overseas, were subsequently given the option of transferring as privates to the Royal Marine Labour Corps or taking their discharge; whether, having decided on the latter course, their discharges were marked "Services no longer required"; and if, in view of the fact that a false impression may be conveyed by these words, he will give instructions that new discharge papers may be prepared which will show the true reason for which these men's services were dispensed with?


Prior to the 11th May, 1918, the only terms of discharge customary in such cases was "Services no longer required," but, following on an Army Order of March last, a new term was introduced to meet such cases, as it was felt the former might be misinterpreted into a term of reproach. The term now used is "Surplus to naval requirements." If my hon. and gallant Friend can supply me with further particulars of the cases now in question, the matter will be inquired into.