HC Deb 17 October 1918 vol 110 c258
12. Mr. KING

asked the Chief Secretary whether he has granted an increase of pay to the national teachers; and whether the conditions of their service and pay will be soon reported on by the Special Committee?


The question of the remuneration and conditions of service of national school teachers is at present being inquired into by the committees recently appointed by the Lord Lieutenant. It is not known when the committees will have completed their inquiries.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when it is proposed to announce the decision of the Treasury in reference to the recommendation of the Commissioners of National Education that a war bonus on Civil Service terms should be granted to Irish teachers?

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER (Mr. Bonar Law)

This question has been referred, by agreement, to the Conciliation and Arbitration Board, and I understand that it will be the subject of a hearing early next week.