HC Deb 17 October 1918 vol 110 cc276-7
39. Major CHAPPLE

asked the Pensions Minister whether he will consider the desirability of establishing in Scotland an institution on the lines of the Chelsea Hospital, in view of the increasing number of discharged and demobilised sailors and soldiers that have to be dealt with in the North?


If my hon. and gallant Friend refers to the awarding of pensions which now takes place at Chelsea Hospital, I am not prepared to consider his suggestion, as the centralisation of awards is in present circumstances believed to be the only satisfactory method of securing uniformity. Chelsea Hospital, as an institution for the reception and care of veteran soldiers, is under the control of the War Office, and any question of founding a similar institution in Scotland should be addressed to that Department.


asked the Pensions Minister what steps he proposes to take to ensure the proper re-employment of discharged and disabled men at fair wages, irrespective of any pension to which they may be entitled?


Arrangements have been made by the Minister of Labour, in which I have concurred, whereby any question as to the propriety of the wage payable to a discharged disabled man may be referred by either employer or man for adjudication to the local advisory committee attached to each Employment Exchange. This Committee will either arbitrate on the case or will pass it, to one or other of the special bodies (such as the local technical advisory committees or trade boards) which have been constituted by the trade for the purpose, if such have been formed in the district concerned. Employers and employed are equally represented on both classes of body, and I look to the judgment of the trade to reduce to a minimum any tendency to exploit the pension of the disabled man.


Are any provisions to be made for securing that these discharged men are engaged in suitable numbers in each industry?


Yes, that is precisely what these advisory boards are doing at the present time.