HC Deb 17 October 1918 vol 110 cc261-2
17. Mr. BRADY

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the salaries of the joint secretaries to the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests in Ireland have been lately reduced by £100, respectively, from the figure fixed by the Treasury in 1885, after full investigation into the then work of the Department; whether the Commissioners were consulted previously, or at all, as to the propriety of this reduction; whether he is aware that they and their chairman, the Master of the Rolls, immediately on notification of it unanimously protested and pointed out that the greatly increased and steadily increasing work of the Department since 1885 would justify an addition rather than a reduction in their secretaries' salary, and that they on at least four subsequent occasions during the last two years unanimously renewed this protest; and if he will say whether any of them have sent in their resignations as a result of the neglect either to comply with their recommendations or to furnish any reasons for not giving effect to them?


The facts are generally as stated. Some members sent in their resignations, some of whom, at my request, have kindly consented to withdraw.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in 1885, when the salaries were fixed, the amount of money under the control of the Commissioners was £450,000 and that to-day the amount under their control is something like £1,250,000 with a number of accounts varying from £1,000 to £1,200, and does he consider it is a reasonable thing to have reduced the salaries?


I believe the figures are something like those stated by the hon. Member, but the whole matter was gone into very carefully and the decision arrived at.


If the facts are placed more fully again before the right hon. Gentleman, will he be good enough to communicate with the Treasury and submit the view that he is satisfied the reduction is ill-founded?


I will consider anything the hon. Member puts before me.