HC Deb 20 November 1918 vol 110 c3425

asked the Under-Secretary when it is proposed to disband the special constabulary force in London which was established for the period of the War; if it is proposed to retain their services until after peace celebrations; and in what manner the Government propose to recognise the services of these men who have so willingly given up their time to the public?


It is too soon yet to mention any date. I hope the Government will be able to retain a call on the services of the special constables till after the conclusion of peace; but as the regular police return to duty the Commissioner will endeavour to relieve the special constables from routine duty. I cannot at present make any announcement on the last point mentioned in the question, beyond saying that the Government fully appreciates the value of the patriotic service rendered by the special constabulary during the past four and a half years.


May I ask if the right hon. Gentleman is aware of the fact that, practically speaking, no outward recognition has been given to this excellent force, and will he, at all events, take into consideration the excellent services they have rendered?


May I suggest for the right hon. Gentleman's consideration the advisability—[HON. MEMBERS: "Order"!] May I ask whether he will suggest to His Majesty the advisability of selecting a certain number of this force as an honorary bodyguard?


I am in full sympathy with the idea suggested by the hon. and gallant Member.