HC Deb 19 November 1918 vol 110 c3338
30. Mr. KING

asked the Lord Advocate whether he has now considered the matter of the Socialist Labour Press in Glasgow; and whether its liberties will be restored?


If the individuals whose names have been given me by my hon. Friend will each offer an undertaking in satisfactory terms with regard to the matter to be issued from the Press, my right hon. Friend the Lord Advocate is prepared to adjust such an undertaking and to order restoration of the plant seized, on the undertaking being duly given.


Does that mean that I am to communicate with these gentlemen, or will the Lord Advocate or the Secretary for Scotland himself personally and authoritatively inform these gentlemen that they may resume business on these terms?


I think these gentlemen will have full information on the subject in the replies I have given my hon. Friend. The next move will be with them.