HC Deb 19 November 1918 vol 110 c3339

asked the Minister of Reconstruction, with reference to the intention of reserving from the beginning of demobilisation and for a year after permanent appointments in the Civil Service for ex-officers and ex-soldiers, whether such preference is to be restricted to only one year; and whether he can arrange that students of universities of attainments such as would have promised success in the open competition, but who lost their chance by joining the Colours, should have prior consideration for appointments for which their attainments and education can be proved to be suitable for a much longer period?

Mr. STANLEY BALDWIN (Joint Financial Secretary to the Treasury)

Preference will be given to men who have served with the forces in making appointments to the Civil Service after the War, during a period which will vary with different grades, and cannot at present be determined. In the case of Class I. appointments, to which I assume the hon. Member is mainly referring, the period will be at least two years after general demobilisation begins.