§ 77. Sir HENRY CRAIKasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in any discussion at the peace negotiations of the future of the German colonies in Africa, the Government will be prepared to raise the question of prohibiting the liquor traffic in those parts of Africa which lie between Egypt, Tripoli, Algeria, and Morocco and the South African Union?
§ The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Long)His Majesty's Government can hardly undertake that this matter, which goes far beyond the question of the future disposal of the German colonies, should be regarded as falling within the scope of the deliberations at the Peace Conference. It is, however, agreed that the Brussels Act of 1890, which at present regulates generally the conditions of the liquor trade within a zone approximating to that referred to, requires reconsideration in view of present circumstances, and this subject is at present engaging the attention of His Majesty's Government.