HC Deb 14 November 1918 vol 110 c2851
9. Mr. KING

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Sinn Fein party's offices in Belfast have been raided and the preparations for an election rendered futile by the seizure of canvass books and other matter; whether this is preliminary to the prevention of all electioneering by Sinn Fein candidates; and whether the same policy is to be carried out equally towards all parties?


The offices of the local Sinn Fein executive, 25, Mill Street, Belfast, were, in accordance with Government instructions, closed on the 7th instant, on an Order issued under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. They had been used as a centre for the distribution of seditious literature unconnected with electioneering purposes. Amongst a quantity of seditious literature seized some were documents which might be deemed to refer to the anticipated election. These have been returned.


Is it not a fact that any literature may be used in an election, and any sort of paper and material in any sort of office may conceivably be regarded as election literature? Where does the right hon. Gentleman draw the line?


I am sure the hon. Member would not wish anyone to think his friends use seditious literature.