HC Deb 14 November 1918 vol 110 cc3086-7

Sections nine and ten of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1908, are hereby repealed and in lieu thereof—

(b) has attained the age of seventeen years and is shown to the satisfaction of the education authority to have completed a course of instruction equivalent in value to the post-intermediate course:

(8) If it appears to an education authority that any young person of the age of fifteen years and upwards is neglecting or failing without reasonable excuse to comply with any such requirement of the authority, it shall be lawful for that authority after due warning to such young person and to his parent and employer (if any) to summon the young person, with or without his parent or employer, to appear before the authority at any meeting thereof, and to require from him or them every information and explanation respecting such neglect or failure; and if such young person or his parent or employer, or some person on his or their behalf, either does not appear, or appears and does not satisfy the authority that there is reasonable excuse for such neglect or failure, it shall be lawful for the authority to order in writing that such young person shall comply with such requirement, or with such other requirement as to attendance as the authority may direct. The authority shall cause a copy of any such Order to be sent to the young person by registered letter, and if the young person fails to comply with the Order he shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding five shillings.

(14) If a young person or the parent of a young person under the age of sixteen represents in writing to the local education authority that he objects to any part of the instruction given in the continuation school which the young person is required to attend, on the ground that it is contrary or offensive to his religious belief, the obligation under this Act to attend that school for the purpose of such instruction shall not apply to him, and the local education authority shall, if practicable, arrange for him to attend some other instruction in lieu thereof or some other school.

Lords Amendments: In Sub-section (6), par (6), after the word "course" ["post-intermediate course"], insert the words, or (c) has satisfactorily completed a course of training for, and is engaged in, the sea service, in accordance with the provisions of any national scheme which may hereafter be established, by Order in Council or otherwise, with the object of maintaining an adequate supply of well-trained British seamen, or, pending the establishment of such scheme, in accordance with the provisions of any interim scheme approved by the Department.

Agreed to.

In Sub-section (8) leave out the words "sent to the young person by registered letter" and insert instead thereof the words "served by post on the young person to whom it relates."—Agreed to.

In Sub-section (14) after the word "person" ["young person or "], insert the words "over the age of sixteen."—Agreed to.

Leave out the word "school" ["continuation school"], and insert instead thereof the word" classes."—Agreed to.

Leave out the words "or offensive."—Agreed to.

After the word "belief" ["religious belief"], insert the words "or likely to give offence to his religious feelings."—Agreed to.

Leave out the words "that school" ["attend that school"], and insert instead thereof the words "those classes."—Agreed to.

Leave out the words "attend some other instruction in lieu thereof or some other school," and insert instead thereof the words "receive other instruction in lieu thereof or attend other classes."—Agreed to.