HC Deb 14 November 1918 vol 110 cc3067-9

(1) The administrative expenses of any local or joint committee (including the expenses of any sub-committee thereof), to an amount approved

offices. I do not see anything which refers to offices. Is not this the Clause to which he refers?


I think if my hon. and gallant Friend will look at the words of the Amendment he will see they empower committees to prepare rules for regulating their proceedings, and exercise generally their powers and duties. I am sure the words "exercise generally their powers and duties," include the providing of offices, and keeping them open at certain times.


Will you not consider put-ting in "provision of offices," or some words of that sort. I do not understand why "place to meet" can be put in specifically, and "provision of offices" should not be put in. There are certain soldiers who wish to go to a public office.


I do not think it is necessary. I would appeal to my hon. Friend not to press it.

Question put, and agreed to.

Clause added to the Bill.

by the Minister shall, instead of being defrayed in manner provided by Section one of the Naval and Military War Pensions, etc. (Administrative Expenses) Act, 1917 (hereinafter referred to as "the Administrative Expenses Act"), be as from the first day of April, nineteen hundred and nineteen, defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament.


I beg to move in Sub-section (1) to leave out the word "April," and to insert instead thereof the word "January." This will merely antedate the period from which the new financial arrangements come into operation, and the Bill cannot be carried out unless this alteration is made.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Bill, as amended in Committee and on re-committal, considered; read the third time, and passed.