HC Deb 07 November 1918 vol 110 cc2297-9
61. Major HUNT

asked the Prime Minister, whether his attention has been called to the statement of the chairman of the London Special Tribunal last week, that a large percentage of our Russians were suffering from disease; that aliens were apparently allowed to land here with no restrictions as to their state of health; that we have been harbouring the lowest dregs of humanity; that drastic measures should be taken to prevent any but the healthy alien from landing; and that the Government should deport all those who are a serious menace to the health of the community; and whether the Government will take any steps in the matter?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply to this question. I think the statement in question must be taken as relating to Russians who have been here for a number of years, as during the War there has been practically no immigration from Russia. On the other hand, a number of undesirable Russians have been deported, although a general deportation is at the present time not practicable owing to the absence of shipping facilities. The exclusion from the United Kingdom after the War of aliens suffering from disease, is one of the matters which will be dealt with in the measure which, as already stated, the Government propose shortly to introduce.

Major HUNT

Are we to understand that the Government do not allow diseased aliens to come into this country, and, if that is the case, will the Government prosecute this gentleman for stating what is not true, and will the right hon. Gentleman take care that no diseased aliens are ever again allowed to come into this country?


I have stated that I interpret the statement as referring to Russians who have been here for a long time, and in that sense it was not an untrue statement.

Major HUNT

Will the right hon. Gentleman prosecute this man for saying what apparently is not true?


I can only repeat that, as I understand the statement, it is not untrue.


Would it not be in the public interest to restrain the loquacity of this particular gentleman?

Colonel YATE

Is it the intention of the Government to rest content with the present Aliens Act or will fresh legislation be introduced?


Fresh legislation will be introduced to extend our powers after the War.

General CROFT

Will it be introduced this Session?


I hope so.