HC Deb 07 November 1918 vol 110 cc2274-5
24. Mr. NUGENT

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, as a result of his interview with a deputation of Irish prison warders on the 28th ultimo, he is satisfied that those officers made out a reasonable case for an immediate increase of 10s. per week, permanent and pensionable pay, improved pensionable scheme, as has been recently conceded to the English warders, and increased boot and other allowances; whether he is aware that the claims of the English warders were conceded in one week; and, if so, can he now say when he intends to announce his decision to the Irish officers?


I received last week a deputation of Irish prison warders as stated, who made a number of representations to me which are now receiving my attention.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that the Prisons Board are desirous that all officers on the staff of every prison should be given an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the working of the different posts in each prison; if so, will he take immediate steps to see that reliefs, consequent on officers appointed to certain posts being off duty through sickness, annual leave, etc., are not supplied by officers holding other posts whereby the duties of two important posts would devolve on the shoulders of one officer; is he aware that, especially in provincial prisons, the clerk warder and store warder are compelled to relieve each other, thereby depriving any other officer from becoming acquainted with those two branches; and will he take immediate steps to rectify this grievance?


The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the remainder of the question the matter is under consideration.