HC Deb 06 November 1918 vol 110 c2087
17. Mr. BLISS

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will say whether, behind the published terms of armistice concluded with Turkey, a secret understanding has been come to with that Power relating to the retention of Constantinople and of Armenia?

18. Sir G. TOULMIN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any condition was made in connection with the terms on which Turkey was granted an armistice by which the position of Armenians was or might be prejudiced; and whether this country at the Peace Conference will be free to advocate terms securing the full liberty of Armenia?


With regard to question No. 17, I have to say that no understanding of any kind has been entered into with Turkey other than the terms of the armistice as published, except that we have agreed that Allied prisoners of war may be handed over to us wherever it can be done most expeditiously, and not necessarily at Constantinople. The answer to the last part of question No. 18 is in the affirmative.

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