HC Deb 06 November 1918 vol 110 cc2115-6
80. Mr. FIELD

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether a quantity of anthracite coal is available in Wales and Ireland; if so, whether he will make inquiries with regard to its utilisation by providing greater facility of transit; whether he can state when it is likely that the lines connecting certain coal mines in Ireland will be finished; and whether improved transport can be arranged in Ireland for timber and turf to the populated centres?


Anthracite coal is available in the South Wales district; and if by "greater facility of transit" shipping tonnage is referred to, this is a matter for the Shipping Controller, as no difficulty will ensue in the working of the fuel from the colliery to the port. There is no surplus of anthracite coal available from Irish mines, as the whole output is being distributed upon production. The question of improved transit on railways in Ireland for timber and turf is one affecting the Irish Railway Executive Committee, and I am communicating with them thereon. The construction of a new railway from the Castlecomer Collieries to join up with the Great Southern and Western line near Kilkenny is being pushed on. The new railway to the Wolfhill Collieries is completed, and the construction of the two new sidings at Gracefield and Modubeagh Pits is being expedited. The Arigna Valley Extension Railway is also under construction.


Is the hon. Member aware that Messrs. Guinness, in Dublin, have every railway facility for bringing their supplies into Dublin, and will the same railway facilities be given to any organisation in Dublin now employed in trying to supply the poor with fuel?


That is quite a different question, and if the hon. Member will give me notice I will inquire into it.

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