HC Deb 06 November 1918 vol 110 cc2117-8

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the Shrewsbury Gas Light Company has less than a week's supply of coal in hand and are losing stock; if he is aware that many Government offices, barracks, hospitals, railways, and public institutions depend on this company for light and heat; if he is aware that a considerable part of the coal allocated to them came from North Staffordshire from the Minnie Pit which has been put out of action by an explosion months ago, and has not resumed work; if he is aware that this company has been refused coal from Ruabon, twenty-seven miles away, and are obliged to fetch it from North-East Durham, 200 miles away; if he will take immediate steps to ensure that this company has at least one month's supply, namely, 2,200 tons, in stock, considering the importance of the district served; and, in the interest of transport, if he will arrange that coal be supplied from some of the many coalfields near to Shrewsbury?


The Shrewsbury Gas Company's supplies have been receiving special attention for some weeks past, and their stock has recently been increased by 485 tons. Arrangements have been made to maintain supplies at the present level in order to meet as far as possible current consumption without reducing the stock. The Minnie Pit explosion cut off coal from several undertakings, and as all coal raised at the collieries in the Ruabon district is consumed at places in North Wales, it became necessary to obtain supplies from Durham, the nearest point having available gas coal.

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