HC Deb 06 November 1918 vol 110 c2094
28. Mr. PETO

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the shortage of heavy draught horses for agricultural work, he will see that at the earliest possible moment all suitable animals at the remount depots in this country are released primarily for use on the farms?


All cast horses suitable for work on the land are offered to the Food Production Department, and those which are not accepted are sold by public auction. As regards horses still fit for military purposes, the requirements of the Armies in France are such that it is impossible to spare any for work on the land.


May I call the right hon. Gentleman's attention to the fact that I worded my question quite generally, and that what I wanted an answer to was whether agriculture would have a primary place when there was a possibility of a large release of heavy draught horses from the remount depots?


I cannot say that. That is largely a question to be considered by the Committee on Demobilisation. I will certainly bring that point and other points to the notice of the Committee.