HC Deb 05 November 1918 vol 110 cc1956-8

"1. The immediate cessation of hostilities by land, sea, and air.

"2. Total demobilisation of the Austro-Hungarian Army, and immediate withdrawal of all Austro-Hungarian forces operating on the front from the North Sea to Switzerland.

"Within Austro-Hungarian territory, limited as in Clause 3 below, there shall only be maintained as an organised military force a maximum of twenty divisions reduced to pre-war peace effectives.

"Half the divisional corps and army artillery and equipment shall be collected at points to be indicated by the Allies and United States of America for delivery to them, beginning with all such material as exists in the territories to be evacuated by the Austro-Hungarian forces.

"3. Evacuation of all territories invaded by Austria-Hungary since the beginning of war. Withdrawal within such periods as shall be determined by the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied forces on each front of the Austro-Hungarian Armies behind a line fixed as follows":

Here is a very long list of names which make very little impression unless one has a map in front of him. So I have asked the War Office to summarise the meaning of these geographical terms, and I will read that summary to the House, because it will be more intelligible in the absence of the map:

The Austro-Hungarian Armies have to retire behind a line which affords a strategic safeguard for Italy's Alpine frontier.

From the Swiss frontier this line follows the watershed of the Rhætian, Carnic, and Julian Alps to the Gulf of Fiume (excluding the port of that name).

It compels Austria-Hungary to evacuate all the Tyrol south of the Brenner Pass, and also to evacuate the Carso Plateau and the Istrian Peninsula. (That, of course, includes Trieste.)

Further south, the Austro-Hungarian forces have to evacuate the Province of Dalmatian and the Dalmatian Islands, with the exception of the islands in the Gulf of Spalato.

[The Military boundaries to which in the foregoing summary the Prime Minister referred are, by the terms of the Armistice, described as follows:—

From Piz Umbrail to the North of the Stelvio it will follow the crest of the Rhætian Alps up to the sources of the Adige and the Eisach, passing thence by Mounts Reschen and Brenner and the heights of Oetz and Ziller; the line thence turns south crossing Mount Toblach and meeting the present frontier of the Carnic Alps. It follows this frontier up to Mount Tarvis, and after Mount Tarvis the watershed of the Julian Alps by the Col of Predil, Mount Mangart, the Tricorno (Terglou), and the watershed of the Cols di Podberdo, Podlaniscam, and Idria. From this point the line turns south-east towards the Schneeberg, excluding the whole basin of the Save and its tributaries; from the Sehneeberg it goes down towards the coast in such a way as to include Castua, Mattuglia, and Volosca in the evacuated territories.

It will also follow the administrative limits of the present Province of Dalmatia, including to the north Lisarica and Trivania, and, to the south, territory limited by a line from the shore of Cape Planca to the summits of the watershed eastwards, so as to include in the evacuated area all the valleys and watercourse flowing towards Sebenico, such as the Cicola, Kerka, Butisnica, and their tributaries. It will also include all the islands in the north and west of Dalmatia from Premuda, Selve, Ulbo, Scherda, Maon, Pago, and Patadura in the north up to Meleda in the south, embracing Sant Andrea, Busi, Lissa, Lesina, Tercola, Curzola, Caza, and Lagosta, as well as the neighbouring rocks and islets and Pelagosa, only excepting the islands of Great and Small Zirona, Bua, Solta, and Brazza.]

"All territories thus evacuated will be occupied by the troops of the Allies and of the United States of America.

"All military and railway equipment of all kinds (including coal), belonging to or within these territories, to be left in situ, and surrendered to the Allies according to special orders given by the Commanders-in-Chief of the forces of the Associated Powers on the different fronts. No new destruction, pillage or requisition to be done by enemy troops in the territories to be evacuated by them, and occupied by the forces of the Associated Powers.

"4. The Allies shall have the right of free movement over all road and rail and waterways in Austro-Hungarian territory, and of the use of the necessary Austrian and Hungarian means of transportation.

"The Armies of the Associated Powers shall occupy such strategic points in Austria-Hungary at such times as they may deem necessary to enable them to conduct military operations or to maintain order.

"They shall have the right of requisition on payment for the troops of the Associated Powers wherever they may be.

"5. Complete evacuation of all German troops within fifteen days, not only from the Italian and Balkan Fronts, but from all Austro-Hungarian territory.

"Internment of all German troops who have not left Austria-Hungary within that date.

"6. The administration of the evacuated territories of Austria-Hungary will be entrusted to the local authorities under the control of the Allied and Associated Armies of occupation.

"7. The immediate repatriation, without reciprocity, of all Allied prisoners of war and interned subjects, and of civil populations evacuated from their homes, on conditions to be laid down by the Commanders-in-Chief of the forces of the Associated Powers on the various fronts.

"8. Sick and wounded who cannot be removed from evacuated territory will be cared for by Austro-Hungarian personnel who will be left on the spot, with the medical material required."