HC Deb 04 November 1918 vol 110 c1800
87. General CROFT

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether there is a shortage of massage nurses in order adequately to treat British soldiers; and whether, in spite of this shortage, the nurses are employed to massage German prisoners?

Mr. JAMES HOPE (Lord of the Treasury)

I am informed by the military authorities that there is a shortage of massage nurses in meeting the full requirements of military hospitals. No women are employed to massage German prisoners, but a very small number of male masseurs have necessarily to be employed for severe cases among German prisoners of war.

General CROFT

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the fact that officers requiring massage treatment recently have had that treatment stopped, in order that male massage nurses could be sent away to massage German prisoners?


No, I am not aware of anything of the kind.

General CROFT

Will the right hon. Gentleman look into it if I send him information?


I will ask the War Office.