HC Deb 15 May 1918 vol 106 c330

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty why the men employed on ruins-sweepers in the Harwich Patrol area, and who have been paid 37s. 6d. a week without board, have not been given the increased pay granted by Navy Regulations last November; and will he inquire why Commander Lyne, His Majesty's ship "Ganges II.," has decided that the increased pay does not apply to the men under his command?


It is assumed that reference is made to the case of certain mercantile ratings serving at weekly rates of pay, who have not hitherto received the increased rates authorised in November last to similar ratings already serving at monthly rates of pay. Orders have recently been issued directing that such of these men as are certified competent are to be placed on the increased monthly rates, and in addition are to receive an allowance of 1s 8d. a day in lieu of victualling, as from 14th November last.


Will that answer apply to the men named in this question, who are in the Harwich Patrol?


I cannot say, but if they come under the conditions stated in the earlier part of the answer, it will apply.