HC Deb 15 May 1918 vol 106 c352
71. Mr. PETO

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether any butter salted for winter use by householders under the arrangements now being made by his Department is intended to be set off against next winter's ration allowance of fresh butter; whether there is any inducement to householders to preserve butter under these conditions; whether it is intended to issue special ration cards or coupons for the purpose; and whether arrangements are being made by the local food control committees for the preservation of surplus summer butter on a wholesale scale?


I am sending the hon. Member a copy of the notice which has been issued to food control committees on this subject. Self-suppliers of butter are at present entitled to a 50 per cent. increase on the ordinary butter ration, and it is proposed to allow the same privilege to persons who preserve butter under the new scheme. No special ration cards or coupons will be required for the purpose. The Food Controller is giving all possible encouragement to the collection of surplus summer butter for blending, and is arranging for the provision of facilities for this purpose in districts where they do not already exist.

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