HC Deb 09 May 1918 vol 105 cc2316-7
30. Sir J. D. REES

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the Government can now see its way to release further supplies of sugar to retail confectioners for the manufacture of sweets and chocolates, in view of the distress they suffer by the almost extinction of their trade, while the public suffers only in less degree from the want of a commodity possessing no little food value and sustaining properties?


As I informed the Noble Lord the Member for South Kensington on 16th April, the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order is designed to pass all the available confectionery through the hands of the small retailers and those mainly dependent on the trade. Actual and prospective sugar supplies will not permit of increased issues of sugar being made to the manufacturers of sweetmeats.

Sir J. D. REES

Will my hon. Friend strain every nerve to afford a further allowance to owners of small sweetshops who have invested their capital in them, and are threatened with absolute ruin?


I am afraid the supplies cannot be increased. The Order has already diverted the supplies from those general shops where sweets are a sideline and the smaller shops are dependent on them.

Sir J. D. REES

They are still short in those smaller shops, and cannot the supplies be increased?


We cannot do that, Sir.


Are we to understand that in future no sweets will be available at the large stores, and will it be illegal for large stores to sell sweets?


In the main that would be the effect of it.