§ 33. Mr. KINGasked the First Commissioner of Works whether India House, Kingsway, Canada House, and Empire House have been for years, and still are, occupied by the Russian Government Committee; whether these buildings have been and/or still are under his control; whether any rent has been and/or is still being paid for them; whether the Russian Government Committee, under which and for whose interests these buildings were occupied, has ceased to exist; whether, as it is the intention of the Russian Government to dissolve itself on or before 1st June, it is intended to take these large buildings, which contain hundreds of rooms, for Government purposes; and 1859 what amount, if any, has been paid by and/or is due from the Russian Government Committee in respect of these three large blocks of buildings?
§ The FIRST COMMISSIONER of WORKS (Sir Alfred Mond)The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative; to the second part, in the affirmative. I have no knowledge of the facts as stated regarding the Russian Government. Arrangements are in progress for utilising any space which may be liberated in these buildings by the proposed dissolution of the Russian Committee of the Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement when this takes place. I have no information on the last part of the question, which should be addressed to the Treasury.