HC Deb 02 May 1918 vol 105 c1711
53. Mr. R. McNEILL

asked the Prime Minister whether, four months after the Government's announcement that on retiring from the Admiralty Lord Jellicoe was to be employed in special service, Lord Jellicoe is still unemployed?


It was officially stated in the Admiralty announcement on 27th December last, that it was hoped to make use of Lord Jellicoe's services and experience in an important appointment. That is still our hope and desire, but, obviously, it is not easy, having regard to Lord Jellicoe's high rank, to find a post which it would be possible for him to accept.


May I ask whether in this case "hope deferred" is having its usual effect?


I hope not. Perhaps my hon. Friend knows that it is the fact that an important post was offered to Viscount Jellicoe, which, for reasons wholly creditable to him, I regret to say he was not able to accept.