HC Deb 02 May 1918 vol 105 cc1685-6
77. Major DAVIES

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Mr. C. S. Mordaunt, late lieutenant in the 8th Reserve Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, who was invalided out of the service on 22nd February, 1918, as being permanently unfit for further service by two medical boards at Oxford and Bulford, has now been ordered to attend another medical board on 7th May for re-examination; whether he was awarded a pension which was afterwards cancelled; and, if so, having regard to the provisions of the last Act, will he state what steps he will take in this case?


This officer was medically boarded on 28th January last and found permanently unfit for any service. As it was a neurasthenic case, another board was held on 14th February, which found him unfit general service permanently, but fit C 1. Before this medical board proceeding was received he was gazetted out on the former board, but on receipt of the later board this gazette was cancelled. On reference to the medical authorities, another board was arranged for the 6th instant, as this officer objected to joining.