HC Deb 21 March 1918 vol 104 cc1152-3
46. Colonel YATE

asked the Prime Minister whether any steps have yet been taken to appoint a Director of Propaganda for the proper dissemination in the United Kingdom of the war aims of enemy countries as regards the British Empire?


I regret that I can add nothing to the reply which I gave to the hon. and gallant Member's question 011 this subject on the 4th March.

Colonel YATE

Is it not very desirable that there should be someone to devote his sole attention to this very important subject?


My hon. Friend knows that the Minister of Propaganda's main duty is to co-ordinate the work of propaganda in all Departments. The special work of making our aims plain is supposed to be undertaken by the War Aims Committee.


Has the right hon. Gentleman's attention been drawn to the very valuable propaganda bearing on this very subject of Germany's intentions in Middle Europe which is being undertaken by the Earl of Denbigh, who delivered a lecture on this subject to the House, and can he not take some steps to assist the Noble Lord in conducting that propaganda through the country oh a more extensive scale?


I have already answered that question to the effect that I do recognise the value of this work, and the Government are prepared to cooperate in any reasonable way.


Will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider the proposal I made to him last year that the Government should publish as an official document an exact account of the statements made by eminent statesmen in regard to their war aims which are not known in this country?


That hardly arises out of the question.

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