HC Deb 21 March 1918 vol 104 cc1139-40
11. Major NEWMAN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether for some months past bodies of the Irish Republic Volunteers have made a habit of marching out from Dublin to the. range of hills situated some seven miles south of the city and carrying out a regular course of field training, including trench digging, loop-holing of wells, signalling, combined route marching, scouting, and bivouacs; whether the inhabitants of the neighbourhood have protested against the carrying out of this field training on their property to the local police force and to the competent military authority; what answer have they received; and what action does he propose to take?


For some time past small bands of men from Dublin, not wearing uniform or carrying any weapons or tools, have made a practice of marching on Sundays to the adjacent parts of the county. Some of these parties have visited the hills south of the city, and have always been kept under observation, but no trench digging or loop-holing has been reported, and no complaints by the owners of property appear to have been brought to the notice of the constabulary authorities. On Sunday last the police came upon one of these bands engaged in drill and dispersed them. Six of the ringleaders were arrested and dealt with summarily next day, five receiving terms of imprisonment.