HC Deb 20 March 1918 vol 104 c960
23 and 59. Mr. CURRIE

asked (1) the Under-Secretary of State for War whether a woman enlisted in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps wears an Army uniform, draws Army pay, and is subjected to Army orders, discipline, and billeting regulations; if so, why one interpretation is placed by the War Office upon the meaning of the Clause in last year's Finance Act establishing a special military rate of income Tax in a question with a male Income Tax payer and another in a question with a woman to the disadvantage of the latter; (2) the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the military rates of Income Tax prescribed in last year's. Finance Act are confined to men serving overseas with either the Navy or the Army; and whether women enlisted in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps liable to be sent abroad at any time, but still serving in this country, are denied the benefit of the military rate?


Some members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps wear a uniform approved by the War Office: they do not draw Army pay. The question of the application to them of the Finance Act is a legal question, and the War Office has recently been advised that under certain conditions the reduced military rates of tax will apply.