HC Deb 19 March 1918 vol 104 c807

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what was the total weight of meat and refrigerated produce stored on private account in Miller Street Cold Air Stores, Manchester, on Saturday, 2nd February, and Saturday, 2nd March, respectively, and who were the four principal holders in the latter case and the extent and character of their holdings?


The total weight of meat and refrigerated produce stored on private account in the Union Cold Stores, Miller Street, Manchester, on Saturday, 2nd February, was 110 tons, while on Saturday, 2nd March, it was 89 tons. In the latter case the four principal holders and the extent and character of their holdings were as follows:

J. Pendlebury, Limited 17 tons offal.
Armour and Company 12 tons bacon.
J Cox, Limited 12 tons offal.
S. Irlam 9 tons offal.
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