HC Deb 14 March 1918 vol 104 c451

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether a young man named Harker is now occupying a position under the British Minister at The Hague; whether, before the War, his proper name was Haar-bleicher, which was subsequently changed to Harker; and whether he can state the special qualifications of this man for the position he now holds?

The MINISTER of BLOCKADE (Lord Robert Cecil)

The hon. Member, no doubt, refers to Lieutenant J. F. Harker, of the Machine Gun Corps. He has been lent by the Army to the Foreign Office while he is unfit for general service. This gallant officer, who enlisted at the outbreak of war, and subsequently obtained a commission, and served for some time in France, is temporarily employed in a subordinate capacity at The Hague, where he is carrying out his work to the entire satisfaction of His Majesty's Minister.

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