HC Deb 07 March 1918 vol 103 c2107
26. Major HUNT

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the report of a medical examiner of recruits to the effect that a very considerable proportion of the thousands of Russian and Polish men examined by him for the Army were found to be suffering from tuberculosis, trachoma, and the hidden plague; whether he can say why the Port sanitary authorities allowed these men to land; and, as these men are eating our food and spreading disease, he will have them sent back to their native countries on the first possible opportunity?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. The rest of the question, therefore, does not arise. But I may point out to the hon. and gallant Member that a large proportion of the men referred to came here before the passing of the Aliens Act, 1905, which gave the power to refuse aliens admission to this country.

Major HUNT

Is the hon. Gentleman going to do nothing about these aliens who are diseased? Are they not going to besent back to their own country, or are they to be left here to eat our food and make our people ill?


As they came before 1905 I imagine we shall take no action in the matter, but if the hon. Gentleman puts down a question I will make further inquiries.