HC Deb 25 June 1918 vol 107 cc877-8

asked the Undersecretary of State for War if he will state the names of the members of the Conference on venereal diseases, over which he is presiding?


The members of the Conference include the Archbishop of Canterbury, Cardinal Bourne, the Rev. Dr. F. B. Meyer, and Lord Sydenham, in addition to representatives of the French military authorities, the American Army and Navy, the Dominions, and the British Navy and Army.


Has the right hon. Gentleman's attention been called to the fact that this Conference contains no representative of the women's organisations that have been making special inquiries into this subject, especially in regard to Regulation 40D, and will he see that representatives of the women are appointed to that Conference?


I think that the members of the Conference are generally representative, and we have got the services of Lord Sydenham on that Conference. He knows thoroughly the whole question, and I think the Conference is thoroughly representative of all views.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the women's organisations have been making special inquiries during the last three months, and that, in regard to this problem, they have valuable information which they can give? Have they not a right to be represented on this Conference?


I do not think anybody has got a right, because this is a Conference which I summoned on my own responsibility to help me and the Army to combat this very dangerous disease, and it ought to be left to me and to the War Office authorities to choose the representatives. I have chosen Lord Sydenham because he, more than anybody else, knows the whole of this question.

27. Mr. T. WILSON

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether eases of syphilis are treated in the hospital attached to Manchester civil prison; whether there are any such cases now under treatment; and, if so, whether any steps are taken to prevent infecting other patients?


Two males and four females are now under treatment in this hospital. Full precautions as to isolation and disinfection are carried out to prevent the possibility of infection to others.

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