§ 71. Mr. RENDALLasked the Postmaster-General whether a circular letter printed on a postcard is charged 1d. for postage, whereas if enclosed in an envelope it is carried for ½d.; and whether, as in the latter case the paper for the envelope and the time of the Post Office servants in examination of the contents are wasted, he will prevent this compulsory throwing away of envelopes and time by arranging to allow circular letters printed on cards to go through the post for ½d.?
§ The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. Illingworth)A circular admissible at the printed paper rate does not become inadmissible if printed on a card marked "Post-card," and sent through the post. But it is advisable that the words "postcard" should, before posting, be replaced by "printed paper," in order that Post Office servants may not be misled. The supposition that the use of an open envelope is essential before a circular printed upon a card can be admitted to the printed paper rate is entirely erroneous.
§ Mr. RENDALLWhy is it that the Postmaster-General forces the public to send printed circulars in an envelope for ½d., while the same printed matter on a post-card costs 1d.; and will the right hon. Gentleman give an intimation that a printed post-card shall go for ½d.?
§ Mr. ILLINGWORTHI was not aware of it. I will make inquiries.