HC Deb 19 June 1918 vol 107 cc319-20
78. Mr. CURRIE

asked the Minister of National Service, approximately, how many chartered and incorporated accountants were in the United Kingdom prior to the outbreak of war; how many are now on active service; how many have been returned from active service to Government Departments for public work; and whether any steps have been taken in response to the Select Committee's suggestion that large numbers of chartered accountants now with the Colours and in the Navy should be demobilised for Government work?


As my hon. Friend is aware, a conference was recently held at the Ministry of National Service respecting professional accountants, and I am hopeful that the arrangements now in contemplation will secure to the Government Departments the skilled assistance of these gentlemen to a greater extent than heretofore. As regards the figures asked for, the necessary information is not available, but the whole subject is under investigation.


Does that reply cover the case of accountants actually with the Colours and the Navy or does it refer only to men of the new military age in civil life?


I understand it covers both.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that while some Departments are asking for the release of accountants from the Army, the Army authorities are forcing accountants into the Army?


I must have notice of that question.