HC Deb 13 June 1918 vol 106 cc2366-7
41. Mr. MILLAR

asked for the acreage of land already acquired in Scotland for the settlement of soldiers and sailors and the arrangements which have been entered into with Scottish landowners for obtaining further land for that purpose?


A total of 1,174 acres has been acquired for the purpose mentioned under the Small Holding Colonies Act, 1916. Negotiations have been proceeding and are now nearly complete for the purchase of a further 700 acres. In addition, land to the extent of 12,910 acres has been gifted to the Board of Agriculture, 16,604 acres have been made available voluntarily by landowners for settlements of Service applicants under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Act, 1911. These statistics do not include certain property amounting to about 2,500 acres which has been purchased by the Office of Woods, and which will be available for Service men when the present leases expire within the next two years.


Following upon the recent Conference of Scottish landowners, has there been any additional offer of land?


There has been no additional offer made since the Conference.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say how many ex-Service men have been put upon the land?


I cannot answer that question without notice. If my hon. Friend will put down a question, I will give him the information.