HC Deb 12 June 1918 vol 106 c2200
75. Colonel THORNE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food how the proposed registration of tea consumers is to take place; whether it will be done by way of sugar cards or will those persons registered for meat, butter, margarine, or other food commodities be enabled to obtain their supplies of tea by means of the existing food cards; and, if so, will he state which?


A full announcement has already been made on this point. In London and the Home Counties divisions the food card is being used for tea registration. In other districts consumers may be registered on production of the butter and margarine card issued under a local rationing scheme or of the meat cards. Food control committees have been told to issue instructions on this matter to the public in their several districts.

76. Colonel THORNE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his attention has been called to the discontent existing in the retail grocery trade caused by notices in the Press emanating from the Ministry of Food that all consumers of tea must register by 10th Juno, suck discontent being due to the shortness of the notice, scarcity of labour in the retail trade, and the fact that two Saturdays and two Sundays occur within the period of ten days only between the issuing of the Order and the date for registration; whether representations have been made to the Department concerned requesting a postponement of the proposed registration date; and whether the date will be postponed, so as to cause less inconvenience to distributors of tea if possible?


I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of an official notice issued to the Press last week, in accordance with which tea retailers are permitted to accept late applications for registration up to Saturday, l5th June.

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