HC Deb 12 June 1918 vol 106 cc2177-8
7. Colonel YATE

asked the Secretary of State for India what steps have been taken by the Government of India to in crease the pay of the Indian police, both British and Indian; and whether any in creases that have been given in any way cover the extra cost of living now entailed on the police by War prices?


Increases of pay have been sanctioned within the past two and a half years in most provinces for the lower grades of the Indian police, and a time scale was sanctioned early in the War by way of relief to European officers. I am unable to say precisely how far the increases of pay which have been given cover the extra cost of living. Those granted to the lower ranks no doubt to a great extent do so. Local governments have also a general power to grant compensatory allowances to lower-paid officials in all departments when food prices exceed certain limits.

Colonel YATE

Is there any prospect of this matter being seriously taken into consideration in view of the very low pay of the Indian police throughout the whole service?


The question of the pay of Indian police will be taken into consideration when the Report of the Public Services Commission is received.

Colonel YATE

Not before?


It is being considered now. The Government of India is corresponding with the local governments on the subject. I cannot say how soon their recommendations will be received, but I will inquire.