HC Deb 12 June 1918 vol 106 cc2202-3

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if he will make inquiries into the reason why the supplies of meat in the borough of Blackburn are so unsatisfactory, fully 90 per cent. of the persons registered with the co-operative societies and private butchers not having had any mutton during the past three months and there having been no week when the full ration has been obtainable, while, on the other hand, the shops of the foreign meat companies have had a plentiful supply of both beef and mutton; and will he see that steps are taken to stop this preferential treatment in the distribution of supplies?


Supplies of imported meat during the past few months have consisted mainly of frozen beef and only very limited quantities of frozen mutton have been available. Complaints have been received that some multiple shop companies had obtained a larger proportion of mutton than private traders, and steps have already been taken to secure a more equitable distribution of the limited supplies. There is no reason why any retailer should not have received the full ration of meat required for the needs of his registered customers, and if any specific instance is given I will cause inquiries to be made.


Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries into the specific charge made in this question as to what has taken place in Blackburn?


This question is put in rather general terms, but perhaps there will be some advantage in my hon. Friend having a conversation with me about this particular case.


Thank you.

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