HC Deb 11 June 1918 vol 106 cc2019-20
Mr. HINDS (by Private Notice)

asked the Minister of National Service whether, in view of the serious inconvenience caused to farmers by calling up men under twenty-three, he can see his way to postpone the date of the calling up until the end of June, to enable them to make other arrangements?


My right hon. Friend regrets that it is not possible to adopt the suggestion made in the question of my hon. Friend. Every effort is being made by the Ministry of National Service and the Board of Agriculture to provide adequate labour for agricultural work. I believe, however, that my hon. Friend and the House generally will agree that this is no moment to postpone the calling up of young men under twenty-four except under the most exceptional circumstances.


In view of the undoubted misunderstanding in certain parts of the country upon this point, can the hon. Gentleman give an assurance that the decision of the Appeal Tribunals with reference to the calling-up will be respected; and, secondly, whether instructions can be conveyed to military representatives making this point clear?


Is it not the fact that every man of a lower age who is exempted causes a man of a greater age to take his place?


How does the Minister's answer given to-day agree with what was said by the Department yesterday to a deputation that they would allow these men up to the 19th or 20th!


In reply to the last question, I understand one of our officials saw some farmers from my hon. Friend's constituency yesterday, and I think the men they were dealing with were the men under thirty-one who come within the county quota who are to be found by the 30th June. As regards the question asked by my hon. Friend the Leader of the Welsh party, provided the quotas are found which have been arranged for by careful negotiation with the Board of Agriculture and the Food Production Department, our officials will take the greatest care to observe any dates which may be fixed up to 30th June by the Appeal Tribunals for the calling up of men, and I will see that instructions to that effect are issued. As regards the question asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Lichfield, it is obvious that any young man who is not taken at this crisis must necessarily cast the burden upon an older man.


Does not the fact of the Government not putting into force their policy in Ireland mean the calling up of more old men here?

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