HC Deb 05 June 1918 vol 106 cc1550-1

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether any steps are being taken to pay over to officers and men of the Royal Navy the prize bonuses earned by them in operations against gun-running in the Persian Gulf and off the Mekran coast prier r to the present War; and, if not, will he take steps to expedite the settlement of this long-outstanding matter?


My hon. Friend is apparently under a misapprehension. The awards made for captures of dhows, arms, and ammunition during the operations for the suppression of gun-running in the Persian Gulf were put into distribution on the 24th January, 1910, 20th October, 1913, and the 4th October, 1915 The total amount awarded to the captors was £7,675, and all shares have been paid as far as it has been possible to trace the men, only £355 remaining to be claimed. So far as I am aware, there are no further awards payable in connection with these operations, but if my hon. Friend has particulars of any claims to participate in these gratuities and will furnish me with the details, the cases will be investigated.