HC Deb 05 June 1918 vol 106 cc1556-7

asked the Minister of National Service whether a man who holds an absolute certificate of exemption on conscientious grounds, or who holds an exemption on the same grounds conditional upon being engaged upon work of national importance which he is fulfilling, can be called upon to undergo medical examination; and, if not, will he take steps to stop the practice of the local representatives of the Ministry calling up such men for medical examination?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and, therefore, the last part does not arise; but, as I stated in reply to the hon. Member for Bradford on the 15th of May, in ordinary circumstances the holder of a certificate of exemption on conscientious grounds who is complying with the conditions, if any, attached to the certificate is not called up for medical examination.


asked the Minister of National Service whether he is aware that on 22nd May W. W. House applied for exemption to the Swindon Local Tribunal on conscientious.grounds; that the tribunal adjourned the case till 29th May for evidence to be procured, but was debarred from hearing W. W. House's application on that date, as the National Service representative had appealed to the Appeal Tribunal under Regulation R 185, Part I., Section 39, and that the National Service representative explained that in so doing he was acting on instructions which left him no other course; whether such instructions were issued in this case after the 22nd May; whether the paragraph relied on was only framed to meet cases of prolonged, repeated, or unreasonable adjournments; and, inasmuch as this case has caused remark and misunderstanding locally, will he order the application of W. W. House to be sent back to the Swindon Local Tribunal for decision!


Inquiries are being made into this case, and I will inform the hon. Member of the result.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that it was at the request of the Minister of National Service that this postponement was made, and, when it had been made, he himself replied that there would be an appeal, which set the adjournment aside?


As I am making inquiries, I cannot be aware of what is suggested.