HC Deb 04 June 1918 vol 106 c1517
Part I.—Ordinary Customs Duties on Spirits.
In Cask. In Bottle.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
For every gallon computed at proof of spirits of any description (except perfumed spirits. brandy, or rum), including naphtha and methylic alcohol purified so as to be potable and mixtures and preparations containing spirits 1 10 5 1 11 5
For every gallon of computed at proof of brandy or rum 1 10 4 1 11 4
For every gallon of perfumed spirits 2 8 4 2 9 4
For every gallon of liqueurs, cordials, mixtures and other preparations entered in such a manner as to indicate that the strength is not to be tested £ s. d.
2 1 11

Amendments made: Leave out the words "or rum" ["perfumed spirits, brandy, or rum"], and insert instead thereof the words "rum, or the spirits next hereinafter mentioned."

After first paragraph, insert,

"For every gallon computed at proof of all unsweetenc[...] spirits, other than brandy, rum (including imitation rum), and geneva £ s. d. £ s. d.
1 10 5 1 10 5"

After the word "preparations," insert the words "in bottle.—[Mr. Bonar Law.]

Schedule, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.