HC Deb 03 June 1918 vol 106 c1287

Sub-section (1) of Section one of the Revenue Act, 1903 (which exempts from duty imported molasses to be used solely as food for stock), shall apply to molasses produced by a refiner in Great Britain or Ireland from sugar upon which no duty has been paid as it applies to molasses imported into Great Britain or Ireland.

(2)If any person uses, or is in any way concerned in using, any duty-free molasses other wise than as food for stock, he shall be liable to a penalty of fifty pounds, and the molasses and any articles compounded therewith or manufactured there from shall be forfeited.

In this Section the expression "duty-free molasses" means molasses which have been allowed to be imported or delivered without payment of duty under Sub-section (1) of Section one of the Revenue Act, 1903, as amended by any other enactment, or in respect of which an allowance has been made under Sub-section (2) of that Section.

Amendment made: At the end of the Clause add the words "as amended by any other enactment."—[Mr. Bonar Law.]

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

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