HC Deb 31 July 1918 vol 109 c435
82. Sir B. FALLE

asked the Minister of Munitions, if he is aware that many soldiers have been placed in Class W for the purpose of working in shipbuilding yards and such men have asked to be sent to yards near their homes; that there are several such who were formerly in Portsmouth Dockyard, but that their request to be employed near home has been refused; and if he can give any reason for this, and if he will have the men's requests favourably considered?


I have been asked to answer this question. The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second part, I may inform my hon. and gallant Friend that a considerable number of men nave resumed their employment in Portsmouth and in other dockyards, and naturally men who have left their employment for military service are taken back into their civil employment at the same dockyard if vacancies offer themselves. But it may happen that the need for the services of certain men is considered more pressing elsewhere, and in that case they would not be sent to the dockyard from which they came.