HC Deb 30 July 1918 vol 109 c224

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that each coolie in the Chinese Labour Corps in France has now to carry on his person the wages he receives, and that the possession of such sums of loose money, in the aggregate considerable, tends to produce gambling and quarrelling and to prejudice the discipline and efficiency of the corps; and whether, in view of the above he will inaugurate a scheme, either through official or non-official sources, whereby members of the coolie corps can deposit any surplus money they may wish to save and so avoid the possibility of many Chinamen returning home perhaps penniless and disappointed after a long term of dangerous and useful service?


A savings bank scheme for Chinese coolies in France has recently been established.


May I show the right hon. Gentleman a letter I have got which rather points that it is not quite adequate?


Certainly; I shall be very glad to see it. I do not think it will impugn the accuracy of what I have just said.